13 Guys On What Separates A Girl Who’s ‘Just A Hookup’ From One Who’s ‘Wife Material’

Zechariah Lee
Zechariah Lee

1. “If a girl kisses me on the first date, I think that’s sexy as hell that she is going for it without hesitation! What more could a guy want? Definitely wife material.” — Justin, 26

2. “If we hook up and I immediately want her out of my bed the next morning, it was just a hook up.” — Josh, 30

3. “When I hook up with a woman, I usually know where it’s headed. If she is only interested in the physical stuff, I won’t complain. But, if I meet someone who wants the physical stuff plus wants to get to know my emotional side? She’s a winner.” — Sean, 29

4. “This honestly depends on me. If I am too involved in work and myself, I’m not going to want anything serious. So, any girl I hookup with is ultimately just going to be a hookup.” — Stewart, 34

5. “All my life, I have never had a one night stand. If a girl respects this and doesn’t take offense to me not wanting to sleep with her right away, she is definetely girlfriend material, if not full on wife material.” — Danny, 25

6. “Once on a date, I got food poisoning from the lobster I had eaten. The girl I was on a date with didn’t even flinch. She took me to bed and took care of me that whole night. I married her two years later. If she had taken off, I never would’ve called her the next day.” — Rob, 38

7. “For me, the difference is easy. If I meet a girl and she is interested in what I have to say, she is already wife material. I’m not the best looking guy. I’m not the smartest. So, if someone shows interest in me, it’s rad.” — Aaron, 31

8. “If she can make me laugh till I am doubled over on the floor, she is completely wife material.” — Keith, 22

9. “If we hook up and she doesn’t reach out to me to hang out again, I know she was only in it for the hookup.” — Matt, 37

10. “If we have been hooking up for a while and have had little to no conversations about what we want or need, she is not ready to settle down. Period.” — Richard, 29

11. “If a woman is brave enough to tell me how she feels about me, then I would be a fool to not give it a try! It is rare for people to be so honest these days.” — Tom, 27

12. “Usually for me, if I have been seeing someone for awhile and she still has no interest in learning about my hobbies or meeting my family, then she’s out the door for me.” — Steven, 25

13. “I can tell straight away if someone wants a night of fun, or years of fun. If she seems interested in my opinions, and asks me questions about me, then she is in it for the long haul. I don’t have the patience for someone who will only hook up with me just for the heck of it. We aren’t in college anymore.” — Ryan, 29 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

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