16 People Reveal The Creepiest Thing (Paranormal Or Otherwise) They Ever Saw

I asked her why she wouldn't fall asleep, she stopped what she was doing, pointed to the corner of the room and said "Because those two people won't stop watching me" (we were the only people in the house at the time).



1. Creepy Skinwalkers

My husband and I occasionally take our Jeep out into the sandwash/mesa/trails. We decided to pack some water and make a day of it. Towards the end of the trip, he heard a weird, “open-mouth” whistle – like someone just learning to whistle. I made a joke-notjoke that what if it was a Skinwalker. My husband replied with “That’s okay, our Jeep can outrun it!”. That was the end of the conversation. We then noticed we were heading a little off-track. Our navigation was pretty inaccurate and we realized we were fairly close to Navajo land. We went home and my husband started researching GPS apps. A little while later, he found one and said we should go out for a small rip to test it out. Boy, was that a mistake.

It was around 8:15PM, the sun was just setting and we had been out for about half an hour by this point. We were on a trail heading back home when my husband braked abruptly and asked “What was that?!” I asked what he was talking about, and he said “Out there by that dip. Something ran across the trail, and then back again”. I laughed and asked if he was screwing with me – but he continued “I swear I’m not. It was on two legs, but it was so fucking fast. Unbelievably fast”. I hadn’t seen a thing, and we proceeded as normal. I rolled up my window thinking it may be an animal, and we got closer. We were going about 25 MPH, so that we didn’t hit anything if something jumped out. He said “Right there, this is where I saw it”. It was another trail that crossed ours, and as we crossed it we saw two young girls with dark hair – One a bit taller than the other – standing there, watching us to the right. We chuckled as we passed and my husband said “See, I wasn’t fucking with you”. We both fell silent for a split second. It didn’t really sit well with us. There are two young girls, and for all intents and purposes it was dark. The sun had just set. Why were they out there alone? My husband looked through the drivers-side mirror after we passed and yelled “OH MY GOD, THEY’RE GAINING ON US. THEY’RE FUCKING GAINING ON US”. I couldn’t understand what I had just heard, or why he would have said that. I looked through the passenger-side mirror and I saw nothing. I looked at him with a wtf look on my face and when I saw how serious he was, and how he just kept repeating “THEY’RE GAINING ON US!”, I twisted my body to look through the back window and I distinctly saw the two black figures – One a bit taller than the other – less than 50 feet away, and closing. (Now, when we passed the cross-trail, they were about 30 feet back. So for them to get from there, to literally right behind us in a matter of seconds isn’t possible.) My husband accelerated.. 30.. 35.. Still gaining.. 40.. 45.. Still gaining. At this point, my husband just stomped on it and our Jeep was kicking up such an insane amount of sand, that we lost a visual.

We were afraid to go home. Afraid that they would follow us. We drove around for about an hour in almost silence. Trying to process what we had just seen. Why were two young girls out there alone? How did they get behind us so quickly? How were they gaining on us? and most importantly, what the hell just happened?! We drove home, still shaken, and started getting ready for bed. Now, our bedtime ritual for falling asleep, is putting something on the tv and just dozing off. To the right of our bed, we have a sliding glass patio door. It’s what I face when I fall asleep. I remember dozing off. Then I heard a sound and my eyes shot open. I was seeing two shadows crossing the door. I didn’t mention anything at that time, because I was honestly unsure if 1. my mind was playing with me.., 2. I was sleeping. Not to mention the fact that if I had been asleep, I’d feel silly. So I only brought it up to my husband when I called him on my lunch break. He knew exactly what I was talking about with the shadows, because he had seen them too.

This happened almost three weeks ago.. Since then, we’ve woken up once to our front door unlocked, one specific kitchen cupboard opened almost every other morning, sounds, footsteps, etc.

— DatNopers

2. Murderer In Back of The Car

When I was growing up, I would occasionally ask my mother if she had any scary real-life stories she could scare me with (I thrive off the stuff). She chose not to mention this one until I was old enough to hear it. This story takes place in eastern Canada during the late sixties. When my now deceased grandmother (my mother’s mother) was in her early thirties, she decided to drive to our town’s convenience store after dark to pick up a couple things. She had finally just managed to get her four children to sleep and left my grandfather to take over while she hopped in the car and made the 10 minute drive.

Back then, the road from their house to the store had very few neighbors and was mostly just woods on either side of the two lanes. After buying the couple things she needed, she left the store and jumped back into her car, pulling out onto the road for her route home. A minute into the drive she hears what sounds like newspaper rustling in the back of the car. Startled, she checks her rear view mirror to find out the cause of it.

Instead of seeing the usual empty road or a set of headlights, reflecting back was a man’s face in the back seat. Scared to death, she instantly hit the brakes (hard enough to shock this man, probably giving him whiplash), jumped out of the car and began screaming loud enough so people near the store could hopefully hear. Having this man’s plan foiled (whatever his plan entailed), he took this opportunity to escape the car and ran into the woods, out of sight. After getting back to the store and calling the police, my grandmother found a cloth covered in chloroform in the backseat.

Just a note: Luckily, a couple from a house nearby heard my grandmother’s screams, helped calm her down and took her home. My grandfather said that she was unable to speak for hours, only able to muster up the necessary details for the police (who were the ones who detected that it was chloroform on the cloth). Poor thing didn’t drive for six months after this incident. The man was never caught.

— bigkidtable

3. Mystery Sound

In one of our previous homes there was a short hallway between the kitchen and the living room. It was very short, more of a pass-through between the two rooms, but long enough to have a pantry/storage closet built into one of the walls.

One evening as I was preparing dinner and my husband was sitting in the living room watching tv, we heard what sounded like an animal or perhaps a child, something like a soft “ooHHhheeoo”. Our children had moved out years ago at this point in time and we had no pets then either. The sound, however, was definitely inside and not coming from outside.

I asked my husband if he’d heard the sound and he said he had. Moments later we heard it again, coming from the closet in that short hallway. I was closest to the door to the closet so I opened it, and again we heard an “ooOHhhheeoooo” noise from that direction. My hands were literally shaking. The noise was coming from a box on the floor. I reached out slowly to open it, and there, packed away with various other odds and ends, was a Furby whose batteries were dying. What we’d heard were its dying moans.

— Talory09

4. Creepy Computer Sounds

About a month ago my computer started making weird human like grunts and laughs out of nowhere. Sometimes it sounded like a restaurant, other times it was an adult female giggling. I had to just not use my speakers or my headphones at all. Then after about a week it just stopped…


5. Ghost Computer

That reminds me of a creepy computer experience I had when I was about 8 or 9.

It was summer, so I was left home alone while my dad was at work. I wasn’t supposed to use the computer until he got home, but of course I always did. He would turn it off every morning, so I’d turn it on and do whatever until he was getting close to home, delete the history and then turn it back off.

Anyways one day I went in the computer room and I was just about to turn it on when out of nowhere I heard the old AOL voice say “Hello”. I know for a fact the computer was off because none of the lights were on. I freaked the fuck out and ran out of the room and spent the rest of the day huddled up in my bed until my dad got home.

Now, since I wasn’t even supposed to be on the computer I couldn’t even tell him what happened. It’s been 14 years and I still haven’t told him, mainly because it freaks me out to bring it up.

— amiso

6. Message from Crows

Crows were stalking me and recognizing my face on the street when I would park my car. One day, they sent a message. One of them had disemboweled a dead rat on the hood of my car. It’s entrails were strewn over the entire length of the hood.

— morde138

7. Haunted Radio = Scary

In college I was watching my parents house while they were away for a weekend. It is a ranch on a few acres way away from civilization. Being in college I went out on Saturday night and got home about 3. They had two German Shepards, one of which had multiple bites before he was eventually put down.

He was a good dog, but if you came onto the property uninvited he would attack you. I get there and they are terrified, whimpering, cowering in the far corner of the yard. Now I am worried too, because again this dog is afraid of literally nothing. As I walk into the house with them playing Scooby-Doo behind me I hear Phantom of the Opera style organ music blaring out of one of the bedrooms.

I just turned it off and noped the hell out of there, but I should have checked what station it was on. Either way, that radio had somehow turned itself on while I was gone (sometime between 10 and 3) and changed itself to a station it wasn’t on before, and at the same time something terrified two guard dogs.

I told my parents when they got back. Obviously didn’t believe me, but their house is haunted.

— Nixon_Mask

8. “Who is talking to the baby??”

When I was a baby, my mom woke up in the middle of the night and heard me crying. She heard my dad in my room across the hall saying “Don’t cry, your mommy is gonna be here soon.” She thought to herself ‘Why the hell is he saying that I’ll be there, if he’s in there now?’ She looked over and my dad was sleeping right next to her.

She jumped out of bed and ran to my room, and there was nobody there and I was smiling.

— pilotjackson

9. Guardian Ghost?

My mother in law died suddenly a few years ago.

Around a year ago my sister in law had a baby girl who, obviously, never met my mother in law (her Gran).

She is at that stage where she knows a few words but when you talk to her she will have a conversation with you but her talking in baby noises.

Ever since she has been in her own room, she has stared at a spot above my sister in laws head, above the door frame, and laughed and smiled. Even when my sister in law isn’t in the room, she can see her doing it on the baby monitor.

Some nights she’ll be crying then turn around, look at the same spot, stop crying and start giggling.

Recently she’s started saying “hiya” (one of the two words she knows) to the pictures of my mother in law around my sister in laws house.

She doesn’t speak to any other pictures, nor the TV.

It’s creeping my sister in law the fuck out.

Now I don’t believe in the after life but if anyone was likely to come back for a visit to watch over the family it would be my mother in law. Also, this isn’t the first instance of strange goings on with dead relatives in her family.

Again, I’m not sold on the idea but it’s creepy none the less.

— NeoCoN7

10. Witch Doctor’s Warning

My brother and I were living in southern Africa and one day we were out at an open air market and we bought some trinkets that we were going to bring home when we visited in several weeks. As we were talking with the lady at the booth we were at we noticed that a wizened older man sitting in the back was staring st us intently. As we started to leave he said something to us in Zulu. Now my Zulu compression was pretty non existent at that point so I asked the lady what he said. She said that he was her father and a local Sangoma (kind of like a witch doctor) and that he said he was warning us from danger.

Now I’m not a superstitious person but I also am not dismissive of other people’s culture. I didn’t want to come across as rude so I asked what he was warning us from. What followed was chilling in its own right. He looked directly at me, almost like he was looking through me, and in a dark, creaky voice that I will never forget, told me 3 things to watch for. (The lady translated for us)

He told us that we would see a river appear and disappear in a night. Then we would see fire from a clear sky. Finally we would see the ground open up before us. He said that they would all be deadly but he would protect us.

Now like I said I’m not superstitious so I didn’t believe a word he said but I was polite and said that I appreciated his help.

2 weeks later we were camping out in the bush and it was pouring rain all night. About midnight we were in our tent and we hear a rumbling like a train outside. I look out and there was litteraly a river of water running 10 ft from our tent. A retaining pond collapsed and the water drained downhill just in front of us. We were lucky enough to be on slightly higher ground or it could have swept our tent and us away. By morning it had finished draining. And it was just wet ground where a river flowed

A couple weeks after that we were working in an open field surveying and leveling a property for building. It was completely cloudless above us though we could see storm clouds in the distance. With litteraly no warning a bolt of lighting hit the ground not far from where we were standing and lit the grass on fire.

About a month after that we were out in the mountains and were walking along a cliff. We felt the earth shake and the 6 feet of cliff edge right in front of us broke off. Now we were far enough back from the edge but it happened litteraly right where we were about to walk.

Now I said I am not a superstitious person, but I have no doubt now that that man saw something that day in the market.

— badcgi

11. Sound from Outside

This happened is my old house in Tennessee when I was about 12. My room was arranged so that the head of my bed was pushed up against the bay window in my room, so if I’m lying in bed I’m surrounded by windows on three sides.

One night I had just gotten into bed, and was still wide awake. I started staring at one the windows right next to my bed. Then I got this really weird uneasy feeling. Right then I heard seven distinct knocks on the window that I was staring at, coming from the outside. I ran out of there as fast as I could and slept on the couch.

— Elmmic

12. Facing A Beast

Back in the early 2000s, certain states were in a mountain lion frenzy. People were claiming to see them every day. Photo were taken, but they were always obviously just large housecoats. These were states that have never been home to mountain lion or states where mountain lions once lived but were over hunted or driven away.

Supposedly a mountain lion was spotted at the playground of a school not far from where I lived. My mom didn’t really believe it but she still told me to be cautious.

One day, me and three girls from my neighborhood were climbing up a hill that sat beside our neighborhood. The hill was steep, covered in overgrown weeds and woody plants, and led to a small patch of woods and train tracks that went into a closed off concrete factory. I used to go up there a lot. The place has a lot of rumors surrounding it and it’s a pretty creepy place, but I never felt threatened.

This day was different. I could feel eyes on me the entire climb up. When we reached the top and the air was eerily still. No birds, no squirrels. Nothing. For some reason I kept looking at the treetops rather than the ground in front of us.

The youngest girl in the group says “what’s that?” and I look across the woods to see a cat. At first it looked like a regular house cat, but a it started walking closer, I realized how fucking big it was. The other girls scream and run away which is a stupid move, but my dad made me watch nature documentaries so even at 10 years old I knew not to make any sudden movements.

This gargantuan mountain lion gets closer and closer to me. I stay completely still and try not to show fear. After what felt like an eternity, I was face to face, up close and personal with it. I probably shouldn’t have, but I locked eyes with it. I would have fallen in love with its big blue eyes if I hadn’t been shitting my pants so much.

The mountain lion starts sniffing me. It sniffs my hand and at one point it pushes its nose against my palm. This makes me think that it may have been someone’s pet. The fur was surprisingly soft and its nose warm and if I had known for sure that it had been fully domesticated, I probably would have pat its head. But I didn’t. I stood completely still.

I guess the mountain lion either didn’t think I was very tasty or just didn’t want to get its claws dirty because it just turned and walked away. When it was gone I ran home and told my mom what I saw. I didn’t tell her that I had been face to face with it because I knew she’d lose her shit and call animal control and I really didn’t want them to kill it.

— iamnotnotarobot

13. “They won’t stop watching me”

I was trying to get my daughter to sleep and she was having none of it.

Nearing the end of my tether I asked her why she wouldn’t fall asleep, she stopped what she was doing, pointed to the corner of the room and said “Because those two people won’t stop watching me” (we were the only people in the house at the time).

— Custard-donut

14. Haunted Mall

I used to work in a mall that I swear was haunted.

First, a little backstory on the mall itself: It was built back in the 80’s and during construction, there was a man’s body found on the property in a large metal drum. The man was never identified and the case remains unsolved. I would post the unsolved case as it’s still on the website… But it kind of give away too much information about where I live.

Any way, I worked at the movie theatre inside of the mall.

One evening I was up in the booth starting a movie. This was when we still had film projectors, so it involved threading the movies up before they could be started. Our booth was one really long hallway, and I was near the end of it, quickly threading something.

Then I heard a male voice call my name. I was in a rush, so I called back without thinking “yea?” there was no response, so I walked into the centre of the hallway and looked down, saying “What do you want?” But again no one said anything. I was kind of annoyed now that someone was calling me so I finished what I was doing and went downstairs. I went over to the usher and asked him why he was calling me, but he had no idea what I was talking about. The other manager I was working with was female, and it was definitely a male voice. I would say that maybe the usher was just being cheeky and had snuck up there to freak me out, but the door to the booth was locked and only me and the other manager had a key to it.

We had a radio that we kept upstairs for the booth manager to listen to when they built movies. Eventually this radio was phased out once people started listening to IPods, but it remained up there. At least 3 times a week the radio would turn itself on for no discernible reason. There was no alarm on it. Sometimes we would even unplug it and find it plugged back in, on and playing. It scared the shit out of me a couple of times when I was up there alone shutting down the booth at the end of the night and suddenly it would come on full blast.

Me and another manager were in the office at the end of the night, doing cash and finalising inventory for the night. There was another radio in the office that we would play CDs on. We had a TON of CDs that had been donated over the years by other managers and they were kept in stacks on the shelf near the CD player. I was sitting at the computer closest to the CD player when out of nowhere, one of the stacks of CDs FLEW off the shelf, scattering CDs everywhere. The other manager immediately turns and sees me sitting at the desk, terrified and we both start freaking out. I have NO explanation for this, because if the stack had merely fallen (say due to the vibrations from the bass) they would have fallen straight down. These CDs were FLUNG to the point where they had hit the manager sitting clear across the office. Enough for her to look around and initially say “what the fuck?” before noticing that I was sitting at the other desk.

That was NOT the first time something like that had happened either. Another manager had come in one morning to find all of the VHS security tapes we had flung around the office. She thought we had done it the prior night and was rightfully pissed off that we would play such a stupid prank. But since it was ME that had worked the prior night, I KNEW that had not happened. Now it would make sense if maybe someone had bashed into the shared wall of the office and knocked the tapes over, but there was a shelf directly above where we kept the VHS tapes, and everything on it was untouched.

— dawrina

15. Vanishing Car

It was about 5 PM. Midsummer still light. Driving up the street about to turn left into the cemetery. Ahead of us: a 1962 Ford falcon. When you see a Ford falcon these days you notice.

The cemetery was a small older cemetery completely enclosed by a stone wall 6-8 feet tall. It was just a city block, so you could see the entire cemetery from any part of the cemetery.There were only two ways in and out, and the gate for the second way was closed and locked.

The car was about 50 feet ahead of us. It turned left into the cemetery through the cast-iron gate that we were about to turn into.

Both my wife and I noticed the car and mentioned it to each other. About two seconds after the car turned into the cemetery, we did the same thing.

To our surprise however, we were the only car in the cemetery.

We drove around the cemetery three times. We looked behind every building and headstone.

We were the only car in the cemetery.

— LuvinMclovin

16. Time Traveling Joke

I didn’t realize how terrifying this experience was until only a few days ago. When I was in high school, I had someone tell me the joke

“What’s the difference between a ghost and Michael Jackson? One’s white and scares kids and the other ones a ghost.”

I told him that I didn’t get it and he responded with “You probably will in 20 years.” This was the early 80s, Michael Jackson wasn’t white yet and the kid scandal didn’t happen yet. I literally just got it and I freaked the heck out.

— Chumilly Thought Catalog Logo Mark