This College, This Is The Place I Became Me

This is the place.

This is the place that holds my scars and my best days.

This is the place that tested my boundaries, pushed my values, and made me like the girl in the mirror.

This is the place where I finally found a home. This is the place where I got drunk, laughed, cried, and ordered pizza with my closest friends. This is the place where I played football in the snow against our top-25 ranked football team.

This is the place where I found love, where I found happiness, where I found myself. It’s also the place where my heart was broken over the boy I loved and the friends I lost and the people who died.

This is the place where I fell because I tripped over some bricks.

This is the place where I sobbed in the bathroom day and night because it all became too much. This is the place where I learned that he didn’t want me. This is the place where I let go of the only reality I knew.

This is the place where I met my darkest days. I met them with dignity. This is the place where I was dying to run backwards. I moved forward instead.

This is the place where I decided enough was enough.

This is the place I’ll leave in nine months’ time. This is the place I will drive away from with my old life in the rearview. This is the place I’ll leave my memories, drunken nights, and scars.

This is the place that taught me how to be on my own, how to love my body, and how to live for myself. This is the place that taught me how to be a better person, and how to love myself.

This is the place that no longer holds anything for me.

I’ve had all the laughs I can in this place.

It’s time to go. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Hannah Mickey

Writer, educator, friend, sister.