It Looks Like Melania Trump Plagiarized Michelle Obama In Her RNC Address Tonight

"Wow! Certainly not something you would expect from such a family of savvy business minds."


Wikimedia / Boss Tweed
Wikimedia / Boss Tweed

This evening Melania Trump spoke before the 2016 Republican National Convention to shower praise on her husband Donald Trump.

However, her words may not all be her own.

As noticed by Journalist Jarrett Hill, several paragraphs of her text bears an almost identical resemblance to a large portion of Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech.

Here is Michelle’s speech from 2008:

Compare the highlighted portions with Melania’s address tonight:

Melania has told NBC News that she “wrote the speech” and had “as little help as possible”:

Does this mean she takes responsibility for the error?

Wow! Certainly not something you would expect from such a family of savvy business minds… Thought Catalog Logo Mark