Future Overlord Donald J. Trump Just Revealed His Vice President On Twitter

All hail the impeccable wisdom of future Overlord Trump.


Flickr / DonkeyHotey
Flickr / DonkeyHotey
Flickr / DonkeyHotey

For the last few weeks there has been intense speculation about who Donald Trump would finally pick as his Vice Presidential candidate. The contenders were Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Newt Gingrich, and Mike Pence. In the last few days, rumors surfaced that Trump had settled on Indiana’s Mike Pence. Today those rumors are confirmed:


Mike Pence has been characterized by many as a “safe choice” for Trump, as he is a career politician with much more experience who contrasts Trump’s less conventional experience (i.e. hosting a TV show). Pence has been under fire, however, for his archaic stances on social issues like gay marriage

All hail the impeccable wisdom of future Overlord Trump. Thought Catalog Logo Mark