Our Love Is Like A Lightning Storm

We are the calm before the storm because no beautifully heated day dies down without a lightning storm to accompany it.


Stephen Bowler
Stephen Bowler

We are the sunlight that drips
from our bodies, perspiration bubbling on our skin from
the rising temperature between us.

We are the exhaustion, dehydration one experiences from
overexposing their body to extreme heat.
We bake in our own sunlight, but we
comfort our burns with aloe, and we keep
roasting our skin in the heat because we enjoy
the pain.

We are the calm before the evening humidity,
the few moments of silence when the clouds break the sun,
giving us rest, basking in the softness of each other,
falling so in love with the breathlessness of this moment.
We can barely breathe from the dampness in the air, the humidity that
cuts off our lungs, so we can only hold onto each other for air.

We are the calm before the storm
because no beautifully heated day
dies down without a lightning storm to accompany it.
We will not exit our love without a bang,
without a crack in the sky,
without the damaging of trees and the striking
of everything in our path.

We are the lightning storm that breaks
the heat, that brings cold winds and high rain as we
bolt across the sky, dancing in flickers of light or the whole earth to see
We destruct the sands we were so recently blanketed in, so we don’t have to recall
the memories we made, the moments we loved.

We are the the beauty in the terror,
because we will not end this day without a battle.

We are the morning,
lying there, fatigued, because we couldn’t sleep through our own storm.
We are the realization that the storm has passed,
a new day has sprung,
and the passion between us has died along with the
trees we executed around us.

We are the disaster left once we have passed through the city,
the debris left behind that will take days to clear. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Liz Rae

Entrepreneur traveling the world and writing about her escapades.