When You Date A Woman Who Knows How To Love

Omar Lopez

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

You realize what you’ve been missing. That there are women who are willing to put their hearts in someone’s hands, who don’t carry their past heartbreak into their new relationships. Women whose hearts shine bold and unafraid.

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

The world opens to new possibilities. Suddenly you aren’t afraid of commitments or the future because you’ve been held in the arms of a woman who sees your worth, who has imagined a beautiful future with you.

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

You see, for the first time, the beautiful way two souls can love one another. This woman has loved before, and she has lost. She knows what it means to give her soul away to someone. She knows what it means to be vulnerable and unafraid. And she opens herself willingly, beautifully.

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

You learn to let go of your insecurity. She wraps you up in all her kisses and comfort, making you think of nothing else but her touch. She is not a child, one who is timid and untrustworthy. Instead she is mature, yet kind. She has not let the world break her spirit. She chooses love, again and again.

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

You are seen as precious, as important, as special. Because she has loved before, she knows the value of sharing life with another person. And when you fall into her, you are blessed by her heart, mind, body and soul.

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

You are forgiven for all past mistakes and lifted from all past hurt. She will make you forget the ways you have been broken, or the women who have hurt you. She will save you from your darkness, hold your hand, and pull you into the light.

When you date a woman who knows how to love,

You realize the incredible power and strength you gain from giving yourself to someone. You learn about give and take, and you understand that the world isn’t always terrible, isn’t always broken. You discover who you are with a woman who isn’t afraid of showing her true self to you. You let go, you lean in, and you grow together. You love, fearlessly and fully. And you never look back. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Marisa Donnelly is a poet and author of the book, Somewhere on a Highway, available here.

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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