The Lt. Gov Of Texas Posted This Tweet Right After The Shooting At A Gay Club

Mr. Lt. Governor, you are not practicing Christianity. You are practicing a religion of hate that I do not recognize.



Last night, starting around 2:00am, there was a shooting at the “Pulse” gay club in Orlando, Florida. At least twenty people are dead, and many more and injured. Many people — even people thousands of miles away — are in pain, as yet another shooting claims innocent lives.

Initial reports have indicated that the shooter was targeting the LGBTQ+ community, making the attack even more gut-wrenching for those of us in that community.

There are a plethora of responses from various influencers and politicians, but the worst might be from Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. A few hours after the shooting ended, he tweeted this:


Patrick is a proud fundamentalist Christian — as is his right as a free American — but this tweet is a bridge too far.

The Lt. Governor seems to be indicating that the victims in Orlando “got what they deserved” because they are gay, and as Patrick believes homosexuality is a sin, were aptly punished by God. It is possible, of course, that this Bible verse was scheduled in advance and has no relation to the event. But after several hours of outrage, it is still online, which gives many people pause. If the Lt. Governor was aware of this horrific attack, or spent just a few minutes to feel the pain of our community, he would know how inappropriate it is.

Jesus didn’t shoot people. He healed people. Thought Catalog Logo Mark