Ryan Reynolds Posted This Goodbye To One Of His Fans Who Died Of Cancer And It’s Making The Whole Internet Cry

"For three straight years, my friend, Connor McGrath drop-kicked cancer...Not sure how...maybe the cancer cheated...But the fight came to an end two nights ago."


Facebook / Ryan Reynolds

Yesterday Ryan Reynolds posted a truly moving tribute to a fan who passed away. Ryan’s letter was to Connor McGrath, a fan that Ryan had met after delivering Connor an early copy of Deadpool that he had received through the Make A Wish foundation. Their relationship was something truly stronger than just a fan and an actor, however, and they became — as Ryan Reynolds describes it — true friends.

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Ryan goes on to talk about Connor, and what it was like knowing him:

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Ryan concluded by urging people to donate to the Make A Wish Foundation, citing how it united him with this incredible young man.

Reading this, I find myself in the same state of emotional non-understanding as Ryan Reynolds. Why? Thought Catalog Logo Mark