You Deserve Someone Who Will Love Every Piece Of You
You deserve someone who will stay with you during the stormy days and assures you that there will be a rainbow somewhere along the way.
Dian Tinio
You deserve someone who will look at you and know that you are good enough. Someone who will not let you struggle on whether or not you’re worth it, because you are. How people see you or label you doesn’t add, change or deduct who you are.
You deserve someone who will never require you to change in order to fit other people’s standards. Because they understand that our eyes see things, places and people out of our own perspectives and lenses. That in actuality, we don’t see all these by what they are, we see it by what we really are – a reflection of our heart and soul.
You deserve someone whom you don’t have to verify yourself to. Someone who will never see you as too much of this, too much of that, someone who will embrace all your edges and be sure that if not for your edges, you won’t be YOU.
You deserve someone who will never make you feel like you have to be their monumental idea of who you should be. Someone who will understand that the way you talk, the way you dress, the way you carry yourself is what makes you unique, and unique is beautiful. Someone who will look at you and will love your bad parts as much as they love your good parts.
You deserve someone who will never overthink your flaws. Someone who will realize how difficult it has been for you to love and embrace who you are, thus never allowing conclusively insignificant people ruin it in second tops.
You deserve someone who will exist to see the beauty in you. Someone who will see you with your morning face, smell your morning breath and hear you fail a note as you belt out your favorite song. Someone who will see you lick your chocolate coned ice-cream in the most unattractive way, see you fart, see you eat a hotdog you’ve already dropped – and will still find you beautifully attractive.
You deserve someone who will stay with you during the stormy days and assures you that there will be a rainbow somewhere along the way. Someone who will inspire you, encourage you, push you beyond your own limits. Someone who will trust your talents and abilities even when you can’t trust your own. Someone who will love you at your most critical moments, even those moments when you can’t even love yourself.
You deserve someone who will see you with your bad days and also with your good days. Someone who will see you in your most despairing moments and also in your joyous ones. Someone who will see you from flaw to flaw and embrace every single thing about it. Someone who will see you at your ugliest and bitchiest moments, someone who will see you at your worst and will STILL love you for it.
You deserve someone who will see an intelligent human being even when you don’t make any sense. Someone who will see a genuinely happy person even when you’re being too foolish. Someone who will see the smiles, the misadventures and the facades, but more than that, will see your real substance.
You deserve someone who will see beyond the outer, who will see a smart, beautiful person who fiercely fight to survive life. Someone who will regard the intensity of bravery she’s amounted to. Someone who will recognize her strong pursuit to overcome life’s hardest moments.
You deserve someone who will never give you shit talk about who you are nor lectures you to change. You deserve someone who will be there for you. Patiently loving you for every good and every bad part of yourself. Constantly understanding that this is who you are, and as long as you don’t overstep your boundaries and you respect the people around you, you’re good. They’re good.
You deserve someone who will see you and know that you are worth so much more than meets the eye.
You deserve someone who will love you in your entirety.