When You Come Back, You Won’t Return To Me

I stared at you today 
Intensely, passionately, 
Like I always have 
As you packed away your clothes
And those unmentionables
That were never a secret to me.

No, I was privileged to know them
To know you 
And we were once intricately woven 
Like threads, our legs and arms
Making a blanket of dreams.
It kept us warm enough to sleep.

But each shirt, each pant, 
Each movement of your hand
Toward the luggage on the floor, 
Takes you some place I cannot go.

And now I’m cold and hollow
but I still look at you with the depth and warmth 
I will feel even when you’re away.
When I cannot touch you, 

When it’ll be another girl’s job to 
Watch you,
Intensely, passionately, 
Like I always have 

As you pack your clothes again 
Months from now.
But no, my love
I do not delude myself,
I am sure you won’t return to me.

And by then the only thing unmentionable
will be the secrets you’ll keep from me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Marisa Samuel

Mom and human. Equally both.

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