This Is What Happens When A Rando Gets Added To A Group Text About Someone Giving Birth (It’s Hilarious)

Every so often we might forget to update a number in our phone. That's exactly how THIS happened!


With our noses constantly buried in our phones these days, having an updated phone number is essential to maintaining communication with people.

But sometimes we have those folks in our lives who are important, but we don’t maintain constant contact with. So it is feasible that these distant relatives or old friends may change their phone number, forget to tell you, and then get their old number recycled to someone else.

That seems to be what happened here:


As the conversation continued, the stranger, decided to just make himself a part of the family:


And heck, if you’re invited to the group convo, you must be obligated to stop by with some gifts!


Which, in case you thought our friendly rando was just joking, he ACTUALLY did:


It’s amazing how many random acts of kindness are out there alongside the stories of crime and hate. Thought Catalog Logo Mark