This Father’s Response To His 6-Year-Old Son’s Request For $20 Will Have You Rolling

6-year-old Auren just couldn’t stop asking for the new toy that he just HAD to have.

After bugging his mom for hours about it, she suggested that he ask for a “loan” from his father. Auren, of course, did not know what a loan was really, but surmised that it would allow him to receive the money to get his toy, so he asked dad.

This was the response that Auren got from his father:

Facebook / UNILAD

The sassy comeback, intended to entertain “mom,” has since gone viral across the internet. To the father’s chagrin, in response to their day-long internet fame, the mother decided to just go ahead and buy Auren the toy — interest free!! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jacob Geers

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