This Fed-Up Librarian Totally Roasts Students For Getting Wasted In The Library

"So you throw a few cans in your bag and head over to the Library, Natty Ice is almost water anyways, right? Wrong."


It was finals week. And some college kids thought it’d be a great idea to throw some beers back while ‘studying’ in the (dry campus) library at Waldorf College.

The school’s librarian thought otherwise, so he sent out this hilarious campus-wide email.

Email #1:

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Even the Twitter account Because I’m a Guy had a good laugh.

A few days later, in the midst of an alarming Herpes outbreak, the battle between staff and students continued—this time over the appalling behavior of student athletes in the library bathrooms.

In rebuttal, the librarian feverishly drafted another all-campus email:

Email #2:

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The best part? Our frustrated librarian wears a Fitbit:

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As Because I’m a Guy perfectly summed it all up…our small college librarian is a complete savage. Thought Catalog Logo Mark