13 Men Reveal The Thing About A Woman That Makes Her Most Approachable
"Women are the most approachable when they're noticeably enjoying themselves. When she is laughing, having a good time with her friends, and not looking around the room to see if any guys are looking at her."
![Twenty20 / jakestrongphotog](https://develop.thoughtcatalog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/twenty20_1cee2940-e4a0-41c9-8d93-83fc22c68aca.jpg?w=1140)
1. “There’s nothing more unapproachable than a girl surrounded by other girls. It’s cool if you’ve got two friends with you, but when you’re with seven other women, I’m not even going to try.” —Joey, 25
2. “I met my current girlfriend in a bar. I spotted her when she walked in and I was like damn, who’s that, but what made me actually go up to her was every time I looked at her she was smiling. She looked like even if she rejected me, she’d be nice about it. Luckily she didn’t, and we’re in a full on relationship now.” —John, 26
3. “What she’s wearing. I’m more likely to approach a girl wearing jeans than a girl wearing a skin tight dress with heels that make her taller than I am. The girl in the skin tight dress looks good, but I feel like she’s looking for someone wearing a suit, and that is definitely not me.” —Marcus, 25
4. “Women are the most approachable when they’re noticeably enjoying themselves. When she is laughing, having a good time with her friends, and not looking around the room to see if any guys are looking at her. Most likely guys are looking at you, so stop looking for them to look at you…If that makes any sense. If someone gives off the impression that they are bored, boring, or in a bad mood, I’m most likely not going to talk to them. Probably because I think you’re going to reject me right off the bat, or you’re not going to add any fun or positivity to my night.” —Jim, 24
5. “If I see a beautiful woman, I’m going to approach her. I’m not afraid of rejection. You won’t know if you don’t try.” —Greg, 27
6. “Her body language is the biggest thing. If she looks like a rigid, impersonal snob I’m not going to approach her. If she’s constantly arm touching and super feely, I’m more than happy to be the recipient of that.” —Thomas, 28
7. “A woman’s laugh grabs my attention more than anything else. Most likely because if she’s laughing she’s smiling, and there’s nothing better than a happy girl. I don’t want a pouty Debbie Downer.” —Chris, 26
8. “When I get a couple glances my way, I’ll approach her, but if she’s not even looking in my direction just once, I’m thinking she wants nothing to do with me.” —Cody, 24
9. “She doesn’t necessarily have to look like she’s shitting rainbows. I appreciate a girl who’s real, and not fake, so if she isn’t all giggly and upbeat I’m fine with that. I’m not ray of sunshine myself, so I don’t want to be around someone who’s inauthentically perky.” —Brett, 25
10. “I usually approach a woman who isn’t so done up. I don’t know why women try so hard with all of that make up. You look better without it, and you’re more approachable when you have less of it on.” —Tyler, 25
11. “Honestly, I’m not much of an ‘approacher.’ I like it when women approach me. It shows confidence, and I love a confident woman.” —Ross, 26
12. “Approachability doesn’t really make a difference. You won’t know how she is until you talk to her, she could look approachable, and then when you try to have a conversation, she turns out to be a total bore. Or a complete psycho, who knows.” —Eric, 24
13. “I think there’s a fine line between fake and genuine. If she is literally ALWAYS laughing and smiling, that’s fake. If she has a happy demeanor about her, but doesn’t have a smile permanently attached to her face, I think that’s more genuine.” —Shane, 25