10 Things You Should And Shouldn’t Do While Fighting With Your Significant Other

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Shutterstock / conrado

Ahh, fighting. How a couple argues can make or break their relationship.

Arguing can take a relationship to a higher level of understanding or it can erode trust and ruin a relationship completely. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people aren’t taught how to disagree or fight fairly.

Are you arguing with your partner in ways that weaken or strengthen your relationship?

If you find yourself arguing a lot with your partner, check out these 10 do’s and don’ts for fighting:

1. Do Use “I feel” statements

Consider these two statements:

“I feel sad and disappointed” when you are out late and forget to call.” vs. “It is wrong for you to forget to call me when you’re out late.”

In the first example, you are explaining your feelings about a certain behavior. It is a gentler approach that is easier for your partner to agree with and get behind. It sounds ridiculous to argue with someone’s feelings. Explaining hurt in terms of how it affected you is a much more effective technique than blaming or placing judgment statements on your partner’s behavior.

2. Don’t Use the Words “Always” and “Never”

It isn’t fair to say that someone always or never does something. Additionally, using a statement like “you ALWAYS…” puts the other person on the defensive and causes the argument to go to times when they didn’t do whatever you are accusing them of. This complicates the argument and makes it more difficult to resolve.

Remove the words “always” and “never” from your argument vocabulary.

3. Do Stay On Topic

If you’re upset about something, don’t enlarge the argument to include a bunch of extra situations that don’t pertain to the issue at hand. Don’t bring up the time 4 months ago when your partner did something that you never told them about. Stick to the topic and time frame at hand.

4. Don’t Name-Call, Ever

Resolve to never, ever call your partner a name or allow him or her to do this to you. If this is a problem for you two, discuss ground rules for fighting with your partner when you two are not arguing.

5. Don’t Hit Below the Belt

We all know that thing that we could say in a heated moment that will strike back and seriously hurt our partner’s feelings. It can be tempting to say it, to win the argument, but don’t.

Also, it isn’t fair to bring up other problems that happened long ago and/or don’t relate directly to the issue at hand.

6. Don’t Pick Fights

Don’t bait your partner into arguing because you’re in a foul mood or it’s Tuesday or anything else. Do not attempt to gain leverage in the relationship by arguing with little throwaway comments your partner makes. Cultivate an easy going attitude about the small stuff.

7. Do Repeat Back Your Partner’s Statements to Check for Understanding

When you’re disagreeing with your partner, try to check that you understand their statement by restating what they’re saying, using a statement like this:

“Am I understanding you correctly when I believe you’re saying X?” or “What I’m hearing you say is X, is that right?” This technique helps to diffuse tension and show that you are listening. Take care to do this gently and sincerely, so that your partner doesn’t feel like you are actually mocking them.

8. Do Consider The Core Issues Behind the Argument

Often an argument that begins over one thing is not actually about what happened but something else. It’s important to examine why you’re really arguing and talk about those feelings and emotions rather than the specific behavior that is the tip of the iceberg.

Look for violations of boundaries and feelings of disappointment, anger, sadness, and respect as reasons why your partner might actually be upset. If you try to get to the bottom of the problem and address the bottom line reasons someone is upset, it ends the argument much faster than making a chart of times and dates where the toilet-seat business was done correctly. This technique also allows a disagreement to strengthen your bond by increasing both of your understanding of the other person’s feelings.

9. Do Give Your Partner the Benefit of the Doubt

Do not automatically chalk your partner’s behavior up to bad intentions toward you. When you are addressing a problem, it’s best to start with your feelings about the issue. Your partner will feel more honored and valued if you don’t make it sound like they were trying to do something on purpose to hurt you.

Unless you’re dating a real jerk, it is most likely that whatever you are upset about was not intentional on their part.

10. Do Pick Your Battles

Be careful about what you choose to become upset with and confront your partner about.

Picking your battles is not only choosing the things you get irritated about or feel the need to confront your partner with, but choosing the time and place you argue as well.

For example, if you are upset with someone, waking them up in the middle of the night to confront them isn’t the most likely way to give you a well-reasoned discussion. Neither is confronting them when either of you is hungry, angry or tired. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

This post originally appeared at Attract The One.

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