4 Intelligent Ways To Overcome All Self-Imposed Limitations

Flickr / Khánh Hmoong
Flickr / Khánh Hmoong

First off, all limitations within your control are self imposed. Self-imposed limitations are the lies we tell ourselves as to why we can’t do something. Telling ourselves these lies result in a piss poor attitude because we begin to believe the entirety of life is out of our control. Here’s what you can do to overcome all self-imposed limitations within your control.

1. Have A Vision

When you lack vision, you have no direction to take your life. With no direction, you limit yourself to external sources and opinions that should hold no weight on you. Having a vision means seeing yourself as if you are already the person you want to be. For example, I want to be a famous writer and speaker. That means on a daily basis I have to make sure I read books and articles within my realm of interest, write a lot, practice speaking and learn how to block out negative opinions. None of us strive to be average. We strive for our envisioned self-defined greatness. Having a vision requires action so if you aren’t willing to take the action then you’re settling for average at best.

2. Stop Being Lazy

When I was in college my professors used to give the class huge projects at the beginning of the semester without giving a concrete due date. No one had any motivation to start it immediately. Half way through the semester the professor would give a due date and you saw laziness turn into focus. Overcoming limitations can be done by realizing that life is short and every minute counts. When you maximize your day, you put yourself in the habit of reaching for your full potential which happens to be far outside of your perceived limitations.

3. Make Mistakes Quicker

I have a love/hate relationship with making mistakes. Every time it happens, I learn something in the process and it pisses me off enough to work that much harder the next time. Mistakes are the most feared yet beneficial teachers. You would have never learned to ride a bike if you focused on the high likelihood of falling. Welcome all mistakes, failures and setbacks and get comfortable with their presence because they will be the reason you get to where you want to be.

4. Work Harder

Hard work is faith that you will win. It’s the actionable belief that whatever is in front of you stands no chance against your determination and will. We don’t work hard because it’s a painfully long process that makes us question ourselves. Always remember that limitations are weaker than your hard work. Stay consistent with effort and don’t feed into your feelings and emotions that are inconsistent with your goal. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Rickey Jasper II

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