‘Justice For Dylann Roof’ Is A Real Facebook Page

Dylan Roof is the suspected shooter in the Charleston church shooting.


Facebook / Justice For Dylann Roof
Facebook / Justice For Dylann Roof
Facebook / Justice For Dylann Roof

There comes a point when you think you’ve seen it all. Then you see this.

Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof
Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof

Dyann Roof is the FBI’s suspect shooter in the Charleston church shooting that has left nine people, including a former state senator, dead.

The page, which could only be an incredibly crass attempt at trolling the internet, apparently thinks that we shouldn’t have hunted down the accused shooter, who was caught on video camera. (Update: Roof has been reportedly captured in North Carolina)

Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof
Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof

People had a few things to say about on the page.

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Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof
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Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof
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Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof
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Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof
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Facebook / Justice for Dylann Roof

We are currently reaching out to the page administrators for comment. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Update: As of 06/18/15 at 7:10pm EST the page is no longer accessible. We are not sure if it was deleted by the page administrators or Facebook moderators. The page administrators never responded to our request for comment.