Don’t Be This Tourist Who Got Mowed Over By The Queen’s Guard

These cats aren't stopping for anything 💂💂💂💂.


Youtube / Steven macaulay

Life advice: if you see a contingent of the Queen’s Royal Guards coming toward you, get the f*ck out of the way.

This was a lesson well learned by an unknown tourist who stood obliviously in the road with his camera.

Here Our Tragic Hero Stands, Totally Unawares

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YouTube / Steven macaulay

Here They Come…

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YouTube / Steven macaulay

Prepare For Impact

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YouTube / Steven macaulay


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YouTube / Steven macaulay

“When The Saints Come Marching In ♫♪”

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YouTube / Steven macaulay

Watch The Full Video Here

Who is At Fault??

This video has spurred a United Kingdom vs. United States debate in the comments section, which has now fully devolved into an elementary-esque pissing match between members of the respective nations.

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Apparently the next war between The United Kingdom and The United States is taking place on social media… Thought Catalog Logo Mark