Video: Impressive Armed Robber Takes The Money And Leaves In Less Than 60 Seconds

This is almost admirable.


The above video is via Northwest Title Loans CCTV in Post Falls, Idaho. The robbery occurred at 1:19 PM yesterday, April 20th and it’s incredibly efficient. The armed robber is in and out in about 60 seconds, he doesn’t mess around and try to hit anyone. He doesn’t press the issue when the woman he’s speaking with says, basically, “that’s all there is.” He recognizes time is of the essence, takes what he can easily get, and leaves without doing anything that incur more legal ramifications if he’s caught later.

There’s also this bit at the end as he leaves that’s somewhat comical. Certainly the woman entering Northwest Title Loans has no reason to think she’s about to encounter an armed robber but when she sees a man holding a shotgun and wearing a ski mask coming out she just continues onward without missing a beat and finally just ends up staring after him and walking in as if he was holding the door for her. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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