There Is A War Going On Over At Reddit, And It All Started With A Shoulder I did some investigative reporting. By Harold Holger Updated 10 years ago, April 10, 2015 It started with a man on r/aww. He posted a photo of himself with something on his shoulder. (And it was a repost from two years ago!) Source: Imgur But people don’t care about the repost it seems. They’re trying to one-up the bird. And this guy’s shoulder. Check this guy’s cock on his shoulder. Source: Imgur There’s a cock on her shoulder too. Source: Imgur Other people took a more artistic approach to the whole one-upmanship. Source: Imgur Yes, that’s a cock on his head. And this guy’s got a raccoon on his shoulder. Source: Imgur And this guy, he’s got goats. Loads of them. Source: Imgur And now this guy’s got a kitten on his head. Source: Imgur And this guy’s going for the double whammy. Source: Imgur How about a gun and a cock? Source: Imgur When will it end? Who will win? Only time will tell. Until it resurfaces again…as a repost, two years later. Read this: Here’s Why You’re Still Single Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type Read this: 10 Terrible Things A Good Guy Would Never Do To The Girl He’s Dating Read this: 5 Real Sex Stories That Will Make You Really Horny