Man Forced To Make Terrible Choice As Two Women Throw Themselves Off A Bridge

“I was put in a difficult situation and had to make a choice between right and wrong.”


via Flickr – Sam Howzit

For three months, 20-year-old Jun Tang kept pressuring her old boyfriend Wu Hsia, 21, to break up with his new girlfriend Rong Tsao, 22. Jun was also hassling Rong to quit seeing her ex and Wu said he heard nothing but complaining from both girls.

“Rong was moaning about Jun and Jun was moaning about her and it all got too much.
“I became confused about who I wanted so I thought it would be best if we all met and talked about it.”

And so he came up with the novel idea for them to all meet and hash it out. But he didn’t anticipate what happened next because once they reached a bridge over the Fenghua River…

“The girls began arguing and then Jun flipped and jumped off the bridge and straight into the water.

“She was calling for help but then Rong also leapt over saying it was her or my ex.

“I was completely dumbfounded about what was going on.

“But then I realised that I had to do something so I also jumped in but to save Rong.”

The jealous ex was left to fend for herself until her brother could come to help her out of the river. She sustained minor injuries and was released from a hospital visit the same day.

The jealous ex via

 “I was put in a difficult situation and had to make a choice between right and wrong,” Wu admitted.

“And I chose Rong.”

Oh my. Thought Catalog Logo Mark
