Watch This Trailer For ‘Walk Of Shame Shuttle’ – The Most Outrageous New Reality Show On TV
Waking up hung-over on a stranger’s bed (or couch, or floor) can feel like a lot of things, depending on the situation: a confusing mistake, a surprising victory, maybe even a little of both. But whether it’s a Walk of Shame or a Stride of Pride, there’s one thing that always needs solving…how to get yourself home.
Recognizing how many people needed rescuing from the infamous ‘morning after,’ one woman started the ‘Walk of Shame Shuttle’ offering disheveled partiers a ride home, a bottled water and a high five. Now, VH1 is taking us all along for the ride. In this new, totally unscripted series, drivers will pick up anyone who calls the shuttle, so there’s no telling who will get into the car or what their stories will be (that is, if they even remember themselves). Don’t miss the series premiere, tonight at 9 and again at 11 on VH1!