12 Reasons You Should Totally Never Move To Colorado

1. It smells like crap, they have no local cuisine to speak of.

Flickr / Julian
Flickr / Julian

Colorado lamb anyone?

2. The people are lazy as hell.

Flickr / Kool Cats Photography over 3 Million Views
Flickr / Kool Cats Photography over 3 Million Views

3. The weather? What weather. There’s no such thing as weather in Colorado.

Flickr / Arkansas ShutterBug
Flickr / Arkansas ShutterBug
Flickr / Jake Sutton
Flickr / Jake Sutton

4. Pot? What? There’s no such thing as ‘pot’ here.




5. Trees? What are you talking about?


6. There’s no rivers here.

Flickr / Tobias
Flickr / Tobias

7. Not even mountains. Nope.


8. Houses? Forget about it.

9. Seriously, forget about them.


10. What did I tell you? Forget about the houses.

11. Outdoor activities? There’s no such thing like that in Colorado.

12. Colorado is full. Like, there’s no place for any more people. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Flickr / Zach Dischner
Flickr / Zach Dischner

About the author

Shauna Robinson

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