I Found A Flash Drive Documenting A Bizarre Psychology Experiment In 2009. This Was What Was Inside. (Part 18)

This is part 18 of a series.

image - Flickr / evil_mel
image – Flickr / evil_mel

Day 22



We can’t find that little piglet, Elija. He may be smart enough to know that his time has come. Hey may be able to tell by the sounds of the screams in the basement. I am sure even a naive 25-year-old can tell the difference between the yells of a man being tortured, and the unconscious, primal shouts of a man inches from imminent death.

Still, Tabitha has somewhat displeased me. I told her not to raise the blade too far up when she impales the chest cavity. It is a hairsbreadth of a mistake that can result in the loss of a perfectly good Toy. And Edward was my favorite play thing. No matter. Down the well he goes. We still have Garett.

Maxwell is oddly dejected. I am concerned that he is not responding as well to the experiment as the two girls are. Still, he has already served his purpose. Perhaps we’ll string him up next if we can’t find Elija by sundown. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Read part 19 here. (Part 19 will be up 1/17, 9PM)

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Luke Hartwick

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