This Video Delivers A Powerful Reminder On The Importance Of Human Connection
In our disconnected world, it is easy to forget the true joy that comes from a genuine connection with others. As we all go into the holiday season, this video is a beautiful reminder to put down the phone, look into someone’s eyes, and enjoy a simple conversation. The message in this video is a powerful one: GIVE PRESENCE. As we shuffle around looking to give gifts to the people we love, let’s not forget that there is a gift that comes from giving undivided attention, compassion, and presence to each other. The holidays can fly by. Let’s not take for granted what we already have. Let’s enjoy where we are, appreciate what we are surrounded by, and live in the presence of the moment.
(Note: Yes I do realize this is an ad for lululemon, but I do not think that it diminishes the message. Plus, it features some of my favorite people, such as Danielle LaPorte and Gabby Bernstein.)