14 Love/Hate Relationships You Have With Alcohol

Alcohol, you’ve been quite a friend over the years. We’ve had some great times together… and some not-so-great times together. All in all, you’ve stuck around for the best and worst of times.

1. Love: I love when I can reach for you in the form of wine after a long day at work.
Hate: I hate how much I loved you when the next day of work is cruel torture.

2. Love: I love how much of you I could drink when I was 21.
Hate: I hate how much of you I can’t drink now that I’m 23.

3. Love: I love the way you can bring out the greatest dance moves I’ve ever had.
Hate: I hate how you can also bring out the most embarrassing dance moves that are hopefully not on video.

4. Love: I love how you can make me smile and laugh harder than normal.
Hate: I hate how you can make me cry so profusely that no one understands a word I am saying… while still at the bar.

5. Love: I love the way you taste with just the right chaser over ice.
Hate: I hate when you come in a shot glass. And especially when you’re tequila.

6. Love: I love how you make me so much more social than my normally shy shelf.
Hate: I hate how I wind up making friends with the unlikeliest of humans because of how social you make me.

7. Love: I love how confident you make me feel after two glasses of wine.
Hate: I hate waking up the next morning, looking in the mirror, and realizing from my reflection that my confidence was but a mere illusion after the fourth glass.

8. Love: I love it when you’re in my hand for big viewing events, like college football.
Hate: I hate when hours later, I couldn’t tell you the final score if my life depended on it.

9. Love: I love how you bring so many people together.
Hate: I hate how you tear so many people apart.

10. Love: I love how well you pair yourself with dinner.
Hate: I hate how you make me eat a whole pizza at 3am.

11. Love: I love how you taste when you are free.
Hate: I hate when I buy multiple drinks of you for everyone at the bar.

12. Love: I love that you can make the heels I’ve been dying to wear more comfortable.
Hate: I hate how you can also make me trip in them incessantly.

13. Love: I love how you gave me the conviction to take risks that ended up as great stories.
Hate: I hate how you gave me the false impression these risks were worth taking, but only resulted in a dismal story.

14. Love: I love how much I used to love you when I was in college.
Hate: I hate how much I’ve started to strongly dislike you in the real world. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

featured image – Ella Ceron / Lookcatalog

About the author

Sonya Matejko

Writer, Founder & Poet

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