Flickr / helga

5 Types Of Women Who Aren’t In Relationships And Why

No one wants that naggy boyfriend or girlfriend that is attached to your hip 24/7. We already have four limbs and we don’t need anymore.


Flickr / helga
Flickr / helga

The woman who wants a relationship but just can’t find the right person to have one with

Call her picky, call her superficial, but the various titles you give to this girl don’t change the fact that she hasn’t found “the one.” Chances are she has come across the guy or girl who she so desperately wants a relationship to work with, but she just can’t make it happen. It might be a lack of “spark.” It might be a “just friends” type of vibe. Or maybe she is a superficial, picky bitch who only likes men with six packs. Whatever the reason is, sometimes if a girl hasn’t had many relationships, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t like them or doesn’t want one. She just doesn’t like the prospective men or women she could have one with, or they don’t like her in return. Whether it is her or the prospects, the puzzle pieces just haven’t matched up yet.

The woman who everyone else wants a relationship with

She’s drop dead-gorgeous and everyone knows it, and hey she’s even got a brain to match. No matter how many things those long legs and enchanting eyes have gotten her in life, they haven’t gotten her a serious relationship. Maybe she has had a couple boyfriends here and there. Most likely plenty of hook-ups because she immediately grabs people’s attention, but in terms of monogamy with actual meaning and future promise it just hasn’t happened. This could be because others just aren’t sure how to handle her. Guys and girls either pretend to not be to attached to “play it cool” or they smother her because they don’t want her to be with anyone else. Either way, that girl that every other person on the planet wants a relationship with doesn’t necessarily always have relationships.

The woman who loves her single lifestyle

We can all admit that a little alone time is nice. But some girls just like having it more often than others. No one wants that naggy boyfriend or girlfriend that is attached to your hip 24/7. We already have four limbs and we don’t need anymore. So sometimes if a girl doesn’t do relationships its just because she likes her own space and doesn’t need someone else in it all of the time. And if its not the alone time she loves about her single lifestyle, it’s the absence of monogamy. Monogamy is just too much for her to handle. In her mind: the more the merrier. She doesn’t feel the need to settle on just one person, and clearly she hasn’t.

The woman who puts career first

All work and no play for this girl. She loves her job, and she has fun doing it. The fulfillment other people receive from a relationship, she receives from pursuing her career. This is a woman on the move and a relationship just isn’t written in her daily planner.

The woman who has no more love to give

She is familiar with heartbreak, and it has definitely left a scar, or two, or three. She has invested a lot of time and love into previous relationships, and none of them have worked out. Even worse, maybe few of them have ended well. This girl just really needs to be alone and can’t handle even the thought of attempting another relationship. Her love tank is empty, and her relationship status is single. Thought Catalog Logo Mark