Young Female Rappers Throw Disses At Lil’ Wayne

This time, the questions come from Watoto From The Nile, a pair of 9- and10-year-old rappers whose song and corresponding video “Letter To Lil’ Wayne” are just that—an open letter to Lil’ Wayne, asking the sizzurp-swilling, curse-word-spewing, women-demeaning rapper to address the objectionable content in his music. Is it a good song? Not really.


For the past couple of decades, hip hop has been embroiled in debate after debate about how much its stars are responsible to their fans and the general public. Sure, the issue is just as applicable to other genres of music, to athletes, to celebrities of all kinds—but rap, with its public call-outs from vice-presidential candidates, congresspeople, and Bill O’Reilly, has gotten a ton of flack over the years.

This time, the questions come from Watoto From The Nile, a pair of 9- and10-year-old rappers whose song and corresponding video “Letter To Lil’ Wayne” are just that—an open letter to Lil’ Wayne, asking the sizzurp-swilling, curse-word-spewing, women-demeaning rapper to address the objectionable content in his music. Is it a good song? Not really. Are they regurgitating what their parents and community have taught them? Maybe. Will it change anything? Very unlikely. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see pre-teen girls at least trying to verbalize serious concerns when they could be, you know, whipping their hair back and forth. Thought Catalog Logo Mark