image – Flickr / Anita Ritenour

22 Things Only People From Lancaster Will Understand

Representing the 717 here!


No, I’m not talking about Lancaster, NY or Lancaster, OH. I’m talking about Lancaster, PA. Representing the 717 here!
image - Flickr / Anita Ritenour
image – Flickr / Anita Ritenour

1. You know/can tell the difference between Amish and Mennonite.

2. You know that Lancaster is pronounced “Lang-kis-ter” not “Lan-cast-er”.


3. You have been to Shady Maple on your birthday for a free (and very extensive) meal.


4. You are not affected by the strong odors of manure.

5. And just by smell you can correctly identify which farm animal the manure came from.

6. Your high school was surrounded by farms. (and it smelled…really bad…the whole day).

image - Flickr / Audrey
image – Flickr / Audrey

7. When you say you are from Lancaster, people immediately ask if you are Amish. No, we are not ALL Amish. Believe it or not, there are actually technology-savvy civilians in Lancaster county.

8. The names Blue Ball and Intercourse are pretty familiar.

image - Flickr / Doug Kerr
image – Flickr / Doug Kerr

9. You have seen someone from your high school drive a tractor to school.

10. Many of your classmates have pick-ups.

11. Wawas!

image - Flickr / Lauren Siegert
image – Flickr / Lauren Siegert

12. You can’t believe how smooth the highways are in other states.

13. You have grandparents that are pretty fluent in Pennsylvania Dutch.


14. Your school recognizes the first week of deer hunting season as an acceptable week-long absence.

15. The most frustrating thing about driving: having to pass a buggy with oncoming traffic in the opposite lane.

image - Flickr / Tony Fischer
image – Flickr / Tony Fischer

16. Anywhere you go around the county, you will see at least 5 people you know or are related to.

17. Djeetyet? (meaning: did you eat yet?) is an acceptable question.

18. You know how to correctly pronounce Schuylkill, Susquehanna, and Schoeneck.

19. You refer to Philadelphia as “Philly” and Pennsylvania is “PA” (pronounced Pee-aay).

20. You know what a “dippy egg” is.

image - Flickr / jeffreyw
image – Flickr / jeffreyw

21. You have been to Green Dragon.


22. You proudly claim that the Whoopie pie originated from Lancaster. Sorry not sorry Maine. Thought Catalog Logo Mark