A Dutch News Segment Showed One Of Their Reporters Getting A Blowjob In The Middle Of An Interview

It might not be a big deal across the big blue ocean, but when I saw this, I was blown away*.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4-zMBOrqLs&w=584&h=390%5D

It might not be a big deal across the big blue ocean, but when I saw this, I was blown away*. When on a news segment will you ever see a woman going down on a guy here in the good old USA? Never. You’ll never see that. Do you know why? Is it because we’re sheltered? Too Christian? Slut-shamers? I’ll tell you. We have class. Our news isn’t a porno*. Although, if it were, more people would watch it…? Now there’s an idea. USA! USA! USA!Thought Catalog Logo Mark