Woman Webcams Herself Confronting Alleged Childhood Rapist Teacher Over The Phone

28-year-old "Jamie X" recently recorded herself confronting who she says is her childhood rapist teacher.


28-year-old “Jamie X” recently recorded herself confronting who she says is her childhood rapist teacher. When she finally got the nerve to report her, she writes in the video’s description, she “found out that the statute of limitations was up and she will never have to pay for the things that she did.” During the confrontation, the woman on the other end — now, according to Jamie X, a VICE-PRINCIPAL — responds that she is “ashamed and disgusted” with herself, and says “I don’t even know what happened.” Don’t watch unless you’re prepared to go deep. Very real (but no idea if actually real). Thought Catalog Logo Mark


Update: ABC’s Los Angeles affiliate has reported that the alleged perpetrator has resigned and that the school district and police are looking into this.