10 Signs Your Shopping Habits Are No Longer Healthy

1. Your closet is brimming with clothes in every color but you still have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to wear.

2. You shop too often and you still feel empty. Your once a week shopping escapade has turned into a daily shopping spree and yet, there’s still something missing.

3. You have X pairs of shoes but you haven’t worn more than half of them ever. They’re just growing pretty molds on them over time.

4. You shop during sale events and think you save more but you actually spend more on things you don’t really need.

5. You hide the things you bought from your family and your flatmates. And these people start asking you almost everyday if your clothing is new.

6. Your shopping habits starts planting tiny little seeds of disharmony in your relationship with your significant other.

7. You stock your pantry regularly. But you throw out more than half of its contents because the food items are already way past its expiration date.

8. You have every gadget imaginable and some of them are quite redundant already. You have the iPod, iTouch, iPhone, iPad Mini, iPad, etc.

9. You think online shopping is awesome. Yes, it is. It awesomely eats your paycheck in just a few minutes without you leaving the house or office.

10. You spend more than you can make. And you are now dipping in your non-existent savings account. Your credit card debt is unimaginably high. There’s the peak, and there’s THE PEEEAAAKKK. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

image – Shutterstock

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Michelle Diaz

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