Be A Constant Complimenter

If I can give you one piece of advice on how to be happy, it’s this: Compliment other people.  In my experience, it really is that simple. I’m not saying go out and just spew catcalls at everyone walking down the street.  I’m talking about well-placed and simple compliments.

Every compliment you give should be sincere. I’ve been told I’m quite genuine, and I think that can partly be explained by my constant complimenting.  If you notice something that you like, open your mouth and let the other person know.  It is always a lovely surprise when someone says, “I like those shoes, they’re so unique!” Be that person.

So, you’re not the kind of person who opens your mouth without good reason? Start slow. Try to just compliment one co worker or classmate each day on something in their attire; shoes work really well, or hairstyle changes, or trinkets like rings, necklaces or other jewelry. The key is, be sincere about your compliment.

When you deliver the compliment, look the person in the eyes, smile and keep it brief. Two sentences and a big smile will do. You can then carry on with your activity. In general, I try to mention to multiple people a day that I like something they’re wearing. Why? Because they chose it. It’s not their body, but their personal choices in style and flair. People are much more appreciative of a “I love your scarf, where did you get it?” than a “day-umm girl, the back of your head is ridiculous!”

I am a sucker for female footwear. I don’t know or care about the names of a single product, but rather if and how you pull it off. Boots of any kind are a win. High boots that lace up all the way in the front are particularly sexy. Why? Because whoever is wearing them took the time to lace up boots. Her boots likely finish the outfit, tying up her pull-together look.

On that same line, take time to compliment anyone on something you know they took time working on. Your friend made a shirt from Pinterest and it’s really cute? Make sure to compliment it in front of some other people, mentioning the Pinterest bit so your roommate doesn’t have to. She’ll be really excited about it, and you’ll get the high of her happiness.

“Compliments work well in everyday social interaction, but I’ve also found that if you’re out at the bars downtown a legitimate compliment goes a long way to pique their interest in you,” said BraksOnBraks via Sophie Martin’s “21 Men On The One Secret Every Man Should Know.” He continues along the same lines as my reasons.

By complimenting someone sincerely at the bar, you’re picking someone with at least one common characteristic. This gives you more than just a pretty face. Additionally, when you compliment a variety of people on their cute accessories, you can find who might have interest by observing body language post compliment. If they look your way a couple times shortly after your compliment, you’re probably okay to give it a go.

But more than hooking up, complimenting others makes them happy. And in my opinion, being with happy people always brings your mood up. So, make someone’s day today. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jackson Street

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