7 Things You Need For A Self-Help Weekend

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This week kind of sucked. It wasn’t Grade A suckage, like where a pet died or my favorite pizza place closed, but it was bad enough all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed, eat 5000 carbs, and hide forever and ever…at least until I got hungry again. I’m definitely an introvert and after lots of socializing lately and dealing with general work fuckery, I felt the great urge to stay home and recharge.

This weekend I’m having a major self-help weekend and these are just a few items I think will make anyone feel better. My advice: do/have all of these things at once. What could possibly be better than eating comfort food with a side of ice cream, having your favorite vice at hand, watching Netflix without any pants on, all while letting your skin soak in a face mask made of earth, vitamins, and rainbows? Absolutely nothing.

1. Netflix binge

Oh god, the feeling of knowing you have all day or night to do nothing but watch endless episodes of your favorite TV show is one of life’s amazing treasures. There is so much to choose from on Netflix. If I’m feeling in the mood to watch seriously bad TV with flawless looking people, Pretty Little Liars is the only way to go. If I want to mourn the death of my favorite TV show by enjoying how well it was made, then I’ll watch some Breaking Bad. Either way, Netflix is there for their viewers for every kind of TV watching mood possible.

2. Pint of ice cream

I’m pretty sure somewhere in the bible it says Ben and Jerry’s ice cream was made with the hands of Jesus himself. It says that in there, right? I can’t remember. My mom never forced church on me. Whether you’re healing a broken heart or just feeling down, a pint of Ben and Jerry’s can feel like your own personal savior in a time of need.

3. Comfort food

Comfort food can be almost scarily calming. Maybe it’s from eating enough carbs you can no longer feel or maybe it’s from eating foods that made you feel better when you were a kid, but I totally believe comfort food has an ability to heal the deepest of wounds. Some people opt for things their mom used to make like spaghetti or pot roast. I always go with Kraft Mac and Cheese because there’s something about that questionable neon orange glow that tastes so good and yet so, so wrong.

A facemask

If you’re stressed out, chances are your skin is too. Both men and women alike can indulge in the amazingness that is a facemask. There are so many different varieties for whatever kind of cool things you want your skin to do. I personally always opt for the cheap $2 ones at Walgreens because I’m poor and they work pretty well, but if you’re in the mood to really treat yo’self, I’m sure there are much fancier and expensive ones you can get elsewhere. 

5. Exercise (or not)

Some people love exercising and say it helps them release toxins, negative energy, etc. Other people are like, “oh hell no,” at the thought of exercising when they’re trying to have a stress free weekend. If rolling around in bed all weekend with the grace of a sloth is what you want, or if heading to yoga to partake in some downward dog action is your style, then do what makes sense for you.

6. Your favorite vice

I’m not saying go get white girl wasted this weekend or smoke enough weed you’d make Snoop Dogg jealous but if you have a favorite vice that helps relax you, then by all means, go for it. Sometimes I’m in the mood for a glass of red wine, other times I want nothing more than to snuggle up with a cup of hot tea or cocoa, a blanket, and a good book.

Some would question cocoa, books, and blankets as vices but when you put it all together and you’re in that place of euphoria, feeling all the feels over how amazing and intoxicating the moment is, yeahhh…pretty sure not everyone is supposed to achieve that kind of Zen legally. 

7. A designated no-pants zone

Is there anything better than taking off your pants after a stressful day or week and just being free?

The answer: no.

Put on your favorite undies or a pair of comfy jam-jams and let yourself submerge into a sea of freedom and comfort. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Koty Neelis

Former senior staff writer and producer at Thought Catalog.

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