10 Signs You’re Addicted To Candy Crush

1. You make your way to the bathroom…hourly.

This is 40
This is 40

2. You dream in Candy Crush Land. And you don’t want to wake up.

A Christmas Story

3. You have a balance on your iTunes for the first time in your life.

New Girl Season 1

4. As much as you love your significant other…

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

5. You find others who worship it just as much as you do. There are no words. Just understanding. Perhaps a casual nod to one another.


6. You have invested in a portable battery charger. Because YOU CAN’T RUN OUT OF BATTERY LIFE. NOT AT THIS VERY…dammit.

Dawson’s Creek

7. What are Angry Birds?

Wedding Crashers

8. You used to get upset when people would invite you to play via Facebook. Now, you realize it’s an exquisite invitation to a fantastical land.


9. Waiting for a ‘life’, is the most excruciating 35 minutes ever experienced.

The Office

10. It’s actually crack. There’s just no evidence yet.

Mad Men

About the author

Gavrielle Hara-Salzberg

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