From VICE Films—Lil’ Bub And Friendz
There’s something oddly intriguing about a bunch of stars being associated in a group.
There’s something oddly intriguing about a bunch of stars being associated in a group. The Rat Pack. The Brat Pack, whatever pack involved Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor and Macaulay Culkin. But what if I told you that it wasn’t just a human phenomenon…that Lil Bub, Grumpy Cat, Nyan Cat, and Keyboard Cat are all together in a movie???
Friends, I bring you THE CAT PACK.
Today, the film festival favorite Lil Bub & Friendz will be available to you via VICE Youtube. Its release to the masses coincides with Good Job Bub Day – a day to celebrate yourself, your pets, and Lil Bub. In case you weren’t aware of her proper name, Lil Bub is the wide-eyed “perma kitten” that has won the world over with her ungodly cuteness. The film takes you into the depths of meme culture, exploring and exposing the emergence of such things as the Internet Cat Video Film Festival.
We live in strange times, for sure — there’s an infinite well of knowledge at our fingertips, information freedom is a global debate, and yet, what do our clicks reveal us to want most? CATS.
Some may consider this disturbing, but I think there’s something beautiful about what this paradox reveals about human psychology. Something almost Zen-like.
I mean, look at this cat. LOOK AT IT!
Now feel sad. Now don’t LOL. You can’t do it! You’re smiling like a dork at your desk. There might as well be a NSFW label on this thing. I’d be shocked if in several years it isn’t a routine procedure in hospitals to show patients this video. Or a diplomatic tradition—place L.B. in the center of the round table and just try to be mean, war-mongering dictators.
Of course, the democratic nature of the internet dictates that not just any cats can ride the rainbow rocket to global fame. Only the truly maladjusted or obscenely cute creature can rise to the top, cure global gloominess with one fell gif, and force us to look within ourselves and reevaluate what matters. Happy Good Bub Day.
Check out Part 1 of Lil’ Bub & Friendz with our friends at VICE here.