This Is Me Learning To Let Myself Be Loved
This is me understanding that even though I can do a lot of things on my own, I don’t have to.

This is me learning to let myself be loved. This is me letting someone in. This is me understanding that even though I can take care of myself, it’s okay to let someone else take care of me every once in a while. This me letting my hand be held while going through life, not out of weakness, but out of partnership.
This is me understanding that even though I can do a lot of things on my own, I don’t have to. This is me learning that it’s okay to let someone do these things with me. This me letting myself depend on someone else besides myself every now and then. This is me understanding that it’s okay to share my life with someone and let them be part of it. This is me learning to let someone be there for me when I need it or when I am not at my best.
This me understanding that having someone to encourage me and be my supporter is actually nice, and that I should be more welcoming of people clapping for me, even if I am used to clapping for myself. This is me accepting help from someone else because I am understanding that it’s not a sign of helplessness, but it’s a human thing. It’s okay for each one of us to let someone help us and accept this help every now and then. This is me learning to accept compliments instead of shying away from them or denying them. This is me embracing being liked for certain traits and qualities.
This is me learning to let someone love the parts of me that I don’t love myself. This is me letting someone share the weight I am carrying on my shoulders with me and understanding that it’s okay to let someone carry it with me — there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, even if I am used to carrying it on my own. This is me learning to let myself be loved without questioning the reasons behind that love or doubting it.