20 Promises To Make Yourself Today For A Brighter Tomorrow

It’s so much easier making a promise than keeping one. Yet that’s where it all starts: the moment you make this promise to yourself. This small decision is the first step to a better life; don’t underestimate it.

Start off by setting your intentions. What is it that you want to improve? Define it and guarantee it will happen, even if it takes time. Then take action. But remember that to act intentionally, first you have to set your promise.

I promise myself that:

1. I will love and respect myself, no matter what.

2. I will remove all toxic people who sabotage me and prevent me from being my true self.

3. I will end unhealthy relationships that no longer serve me to make room for fresh, healthy ones.

4. I will forgive myself for my past mistakes.

5. I will forgive regurgitating the past.

6. I will replace my negative thoughts with more realistic ones.

7. I will stop expecting others to validate me. I know my value and self-worth.

8. I will believe in myself, my worth, and my abilities.

9. I will do more of the things that make me happy.

10. I will savor life’s small pleasures daily.

11. I will engage in more positive thoughts and positive action.

12. I will choose optimism every time I face a difficulty.

13. I will stop comparing myself to others.

14. I will start showing myself more kindness and acceptance.

15. I will start showing people more kindness and acceptance.

16. I will remember to say “thank you” for all the good things in my life daily.

17. I will nurture my body and soul.

18. I will have one small goal every day.

19. I will put some time and energy into my goals daily.

20. I will keep as many of these promises as I can.

About the author

Liza Varvogli

Psychologist & Psychotherapist. You have the power to change.