A Love Letter To My Body: You Are Perfect

You are the vessel that houses my soul, the home of my heart and all the parts of me that make me who I am. And I have not loved all of you. For years, I have not loved all of you. I have picked and chosen what to love and when.

To my arms: You have held me in the darkest nights of my soul. And for as long as I can remember, I have wished for you to be different than you are. I have wanted you more toned, smaller than you are. I have wanted you to be everything you’re not, and yet you still hold me up and allow me to pull the things I love most close to my chest. You are perfect and I am learning.

To my stomach: I have shamed you, starved you, overfed you. And not once over those years did I hold you in my hands to thank you. I have only wanted to hide you, wish you flatter, want you another way. You are perfect and I am learning.

To my legs that allow me to move: You aren’t what you used to be. You’re not nearly as toned or smooth, and I have picked these dimples on the back of these thighs apart more times than I can count, but even still you are perfect and I am learning.

My bare feet that love to touch parts of the earth: You have allowed me to explore my life and write my story through the tips of these toes, and when I’ve wandered a bit too far from myself, you’ve always helped me find my way back home, even when the path was not clear. It was always one foot, then the next. You are perfect and I am learning.

To these hazel eyes, the looking glass into the very deepest parts of me: You have allowed me to see and to be touched by breathtaking views and sunsets and moments. My vision was not always clear,but you are perfect and I am learning.

To this body that is not just parts but one beautiful whole: I am understanding your wholeness, from a deeper understanding. You are perfect and I am learning.

I am learning that I can love you without changing you, punishing you, or wanting you to be different.

From the deepest parts of my heart, in all the ways the world made me believe that you are not enough, you are perfect and I am learning.

This war is over. You can rest now.

About the author

Lauren Wagoner

Words are my potion. My medicine. My cure.