Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
Articles by
Chelsea Fagan
13 Common Phrases That Make People Dislike You Without Realizing It
1. I’m so broke (When you are totally not broke at all.) Can we create a new word for this “I-have-money-I’m-just-choosing-not-to-spend-it-in-this-way” phenomenon?
11 Women On The Most Embarrassing Thing They’ve Bought To Impress A Man
This post originally appeared on The Financial Diet. When Taylor Swift sang “Find out what you want, be that girl for a month,” I cringed into another dimension — because I very much used to be that girl.
How To Let Them Go
Let them go by remembering that there will be another one.
The Exact Kind Of Friend You Need To Hang Onto For Life
The one who says they love you and means it, because friend-love is no less special or in need of being expressed than romantic love.
15 Unspoken Rules Of Flying Every Traveler Should Know
1. This is your chance to read all of those horrifying celebrity rags with stories about one Kardashian being pregnant by another Kardashian’s husband.
8 Thanksgiving Side Dishes, Ranked From Best To Worst
The Holy Grail of Thanksgiving sides, cornbread stuffing is proof that something good came out of the (admittedly horrifying) Thanksgiving origin story, and that something truly incredible can be made out of slightly stale bread.
21 Things Life Is Too Short Not To Do
1. Wear red lipstick. That really bright kind that you always try on in Sephora, love, but ultimately decide against because it doesn’t feel “like you.” You are definitely red lipstick girl. 2.
15 Relationship Non-Negotiables I Wish I’d Demanded Sooner
Curious about things they don’t know, haven’t seen, or haven’t tried. People who shut down about anything from fruity cocktails to travel in a foreign country are probably not going to open up like rosebuds as they age.
Here’s What No One Tells You About Living Abroad
When you lived abroad, somehow home – no matter how distant it was – never felt like it was fading into the rearview mirror. It never felt like it was something that could be taken from you.
7 People On Social Media Who Are More Annoying Than New Moms
New moms get a bad rap when it comes to social media activity, and, to be fair, posting endless photos of your toddler in various states of undress is a questionable choice at best. But just because they are perhaps the most notorious of the social media offenders does not mean that they are the most purely irritating.
5 Women Who Chose Career Over Love Share Why They Did It
When you hear the dichotomy of “career vs relationship,” the normal assumption is that good, thoughtful people with the right value systems will always choose the latter. After all, a promotion can’t hold you at night, and you can’t raise children with a 401k.
When You’re The Girl Who Always Texts First
I am that person, in another body. I am that need to reach out, that burning desire to say hello, and to start another conversation – to get more of you.
6 Productive Things To Do When Your Friend Loves A Really Lame Guy
Who hasn’t had a friend who, despite being a smart, funny, beautiful woman (because I’m being heteronormative here), chooses to date a guy who is just an utter bummer?
Why Counting Calories Is The Best Thing I’ve Done For My Mental Health
“Umm,” started a recent anonymous message I received on Tumblr, which is never a good beginning for anything. “It’s kind of obnoxious that you alternate between skinny outfit pictures and fat food pictures on Instagram. We get it, you can eat whatever you want.”
10 Reasons New York City Is Painfully Overrated
New York City is just incredibly overrated, and yet people insist on acting like unpaid PR people for it. And these are the 10 biggest reasons why that’s bullshit. 1. People get overjoyed about the most objectively garbage living spaces.
6 Things I Learned From Finally Reaching My Goal Weight (After Years Of Failing)
In my experience – and the experience of many people I’ve met who have also met their goals – your weight specifically is going to be about 80 percent diet, and 20 percent activity.
13 Things Straight Guys Think Are “Girly” But Are Actually Sexy
Wearing nice underwear.
13 Struggles Of Being A Romantic Who Hates “Romance”
You feel genuinely mystified when you see grandiose displays of affection on social media, as though you’re missing a fundamental part of your brain.